3 Common Recruiting Myths: Myths 13-15

The college golf recruiting myths series continues. Thanks for tuning in.

Myth #13: Coaches like transparency. I should request a full scholarship in my first email.

Reality: This one is common for international students who want to come over to study in the USA but need financial assistance to do so. While it’s understandable that you may want to let coaches know about your monetary situation up front, wait to discuss in greater detail after you’ve had a few conversations. You don’t even know if they like you yet or want you to be a part of their program! Do you expect a marriage proposal before you even meet the person? I sure hope not. This is a 4-year commitment with a lot of money on the line. Grow the relationship first, and then get down to the details.

Myth #14: I can wait until June 15th following my sophomore year to start the recruiting process.

Reality: On June 15th this year, I had multiple 2022 students who received emails from coaches telling them that their 2022 class was already full. Be proactive in every way that you can prior to that date! Email them for the first time during your freshman year and send them updates every few months. Of course you’re not ready to play college golf yet. You will be though! Fill out questionnaires when coaches send them to you. Follow them on social media. Like their posts to show your interest. I love when I hear from coaches that my students are engaged. Why do you think that coaches spend time on social media? One huge reason is to share their team’s progress with recruits. Spend a little time to spruce up your profile and post some photos too.

Myth #15: Coaches won’t care how I treat my parents when they come to watch me play.

Your parents are supporting your junior golf career. It is a tall task financially, and traveling around the country to chase a white ball around is a huge commitment on a family’s time. Are you rolling your eyes at your Dad’s clapping because you thought you should have hit your approach shot closer (read: in the hole)? Did you just yell at your mom to bring you a sandwich and tell her to carry your umbrella (and rain pants and rain jacket)? Coaches see themselves as parental figures and can already see the future in that behavior.

Many coaches have stopped recruiting players based on disrespectful behavior towards their parents. I’m not suggesting that you should be on your best behavior because a coach might see you. Instead, be grateful for these years together and genuinely show your parents respect! Show appreciation to them. Tell them thank you every once in a while (or every day, up to you) for sacrificing their time to take you to tournaments. Enjoy your last few years together before you go to college. Wouldn’t it be more fun if these were positive experiences instead of negative ones?

What is “Golf Globally”?

Golf Globally assists junior golfers and their families with the college golf recruiting process. Founded by Dr. Katie Brophy Miles, the company offers families custom packages to guide them through their college search. As a former NCAA Division I player and coach, Katie takes a holistic approach in helping your sons and daughters achieve success at the junior level and beyond.

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